New Year, New You!
Jan 01, 2016
— This article appeared in the January/February, 2016 Bamboo Telegraph, Singapore
The number one New Year resolution revolves around weight loss and fitness. One in three ditch their resolutions before the end of January. So, how can you be successful?
Well, the good news is in Singapore you just so happen to sweat more, which means you probably drink more water, so you are on the right track already!
The weight loss industry is a billion dollar industry yet weight loss is a pretty simple concept – eat less, eat real whole foods and exercise more. Of course as we all know, putting this seemingly simple concept into action is difficult.
Try these ideas to start your year healthily:
- Make a daily pitcher of citrus flavoured water. It is refreshing, loaded with nutrients and you will feel more full. Add your favourite sliced citrus to water; include cucumber or ginger slices for different flavour combinations.
- Make mealtime conversation time. Take time to savour your food, eat slower and enjoy conversation. Turn off the TV, put away mobile devices and think about some interesting topics to discuss with family or friends. Engaging in conversation will force you to eat slower and you may feel full more quickly.
- Instead of putting your meal on the table, fill your plate in the kitchen. You’ll have to make a conscience choice to get more. Use a smaller plate to control portion size.
- Have fruit for dessert. Layer sliced apples, peanut butter and oats to make apple sandwiches, make a fruit kebab or simply dice mangos.
- Limit alcohol intake. Try sparkling water with lime instead of cocktails. You will save calories and money!
- Take note of how locals eat – they share! Order fewer dishes and share. It is a great way to try several dishes and control your portions.
- Drink warm or hot water instead of cold. Traditional Chinese medicine suggests that this helps curb your appetite by aiding in digestion and increasing energy levels. The Chinese have practiced this for thousands of years, so when in Rome (or Singapore)…. Add some lemon and/or ginger for extra flavour.
- Eat more vegetables! Take advantage of local ingredients. Try some kai-lan stir fried in soy sauce and garlic. Select a medley of different mushrooms for your next stir fry, soup or omelet.
- Clean your cupboard. Avoid processed foods with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, trans fat, refined grains, artificial flavours/sweeteners/dyes. Pick items with 8 or fewer ingredients. Use products with ingredients you know; chances are if you can’t pronounce it, you shouldn’t eat it.
- Focus on the nutrients in food. Calorie counting is great, but it only focuses on one number. A diet soda has 1 calorie and an avocado has 250, but the avocado is obviously far more nutritious.
Don’t get upset if you cave in to your cravings. Have a small piece of something sweet or if you end up eating the whole box of cookies, it’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up. Just tune into how your body feels and know that tomorrow is a new day. Do the best you can and take one day at a time.